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Happy belated birthday, Maria!! I'm glad to hear your event went well. The bowl of pasta you share in this post looks absolutely delicious, and now I want pasta for dinner this week. Maybe I'll refer back to your vodka sauce recipe and make a date night out of it. Grazie!

I took your shared introspection to heart. I am almost 31 and a half, and my life does not look like I thought it would at this age. I'm happily married. I've accomplished so much in my career already. And yet, I've come to a transitional period, and figuring out what to do next, what is going to make me happy, is a question I don't know how to answer. That scares me. But, it's creatives like you, that I empathize with and connect with on our shared passion for writing, that give me hope. That make me feel a little less lost.

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